Organiza una feria del libro que mola

  • Fomenta el gusto y el hábito por la lectura.
  • Transmite pasión e inspiración hacía la lectura con un evento educativo.
  • Crea una atmósfera ideal para que los alumnos vean los libros, los ojean, aprenden a cuidarlos y se sienten atraídos por la lectura.
  • En FunSpace llevamos más de cinco años organizando ferias del libro para los colegios británicos, internacionales, concertados y públicos.

¿Qué libros encontrarás en la feria del libro?

  • Libros touchy-feely, libros con sonidos
  • Libros pop up, desplegables
  • Libros de pegatinas para chiquitines
  • Libros de colorear y dibujar
  • Libros de pasatiempos y juegos
  • Libros de actividades y arte
  • Libros de cocina
  • Libros de programa de lectura con hojas de actividades descargables
  • Libros de ficción para adolescentes
  • Enciclopedias y libros temáticos (drones, tanques, ballenas,...)

¡En total más de 2500 títulos con la máxima calidad de contenido y diseño!

¿Cómo funciona?

  • 1
    Eliges una fecha en la que quieres organizar la feria
  • 2
    Acordamos el sitio (puede ser en la entrada, la biblioteca u otro espacio)
  • 3
    Preparas el horario de visitas y los alumnos vienen a hojear y comprar los libros
  • 4
    Por la tarde visitan la feria las familias
  • 5
    Escoges libros gratis para tu biblioteca o tus clases en proporción a la cantidad de libros vendidos

Lee las experiencias de otros colegios

I would like to whole heartedly recommend the Usborne book fairs organised by Jana Mikulec. The books are excellent and well liked by parents and students. Jana gives helpful advice as to the suitability of the book for each child and is always positive and friendly which creates wonderful atmosphere at school. She set up and remove her books very efficiently and we are very happy to work with her.
James BattenHeadmaster The British School of Navarra, www.bsn.org.es
The British College of Gavá has worked with Jana Mikulec of Usborne Books for 3 years. We contracted the services of Usborne as we wanted to provide our students and families with an interactive event which would enable them to physically inspect possible books to purchase, rather than buy from the Internet blind. More importantly we aimed to inspire them to read more independently and contribute towards a love for reading in English.

Jana has provided the school with a very complete service from start to finish. In planning the event Jana is always very flexible and understanding regarding the intricacies of the school calendar. Ample information is provided beforehand including details of books, material to publicise as well as resources to interest the students. On the day the books are always set up early and in a very presentable way. Service is efficient, friendly and honest. The quality of the books is very good and there's always something to interest every type of reader. Financially the terms are very good for schools and so the service is very much mutually beneficial.

The feedback we have received from students and parents is very positive which is why we have continued to repeat the event year on year, and will do so again the future. I am pleased to recommend the services of Jana Mikulec.

Steve GallegoHead Teacher, The British School of Gava

¿Te gustaría organizar una feria del libro? Ponte en contacto con nosotros y te damos la información necesaria.